Tax Returns

Tax Filing: What do you need to file?

Your PTA will need to file the following:

  • IRS Form 990, 990EZ or 990N
  • Franchise Tax Board Form 199 or 199N
  • Attorney General’s Office of Charitable Trust Registration Renewal form RRF-1.

These must be filed by the tax deadline, which is 4.5 months from your PTA’s fiscal year end.

NOTE: If your gross revenues are less than $50,000, file the 990N and 199N electronically now. It’s easy!

STEP 1: Annual Financial Report

To prepare to file your taxes, the first thing you need to do is complete the Annual Financial Report (AFR):

  • The numbers on the Annual Financial Report will help you complete the tax documents
  • If you need assistance completing your Annual Financial Report, please contact us.
  • Download a sample Annual Financial Report.

STEP 2: Federal Taxes with the IRS

Your PTA will need to file its federal taxes annually:

  • If your PTA has gross receipts of $50,000 or less, you can file a 990N electronically
  • If your PTA has gross receipts of $50,000 or more, you would need to file a Form 990EZ or Form 990
  • For tax years ending July 31, 2021, and later, Form 990EZ MUST be filed electronically. For tax years ending July 31, 2020, and later, Form 990 MUST be filed electronically.

Once you have filed the 990N, 990EZ or 990, go to Step 3.

NOTE: The IRS defines gross receipts as “the total amounts the organization received from all sources during its annual accounting period, without subtracting any costs or expenses.” Do not include membership dues or founders day contributions that are passed on to council, district and state in this number.

STEP 3: State Taxes with the Franchise Tax Board

Your PTA will need to file its state taxes annually:

  • If your PTA has gross receipts of $50,000 or less, you can file a 199N electronically.
  • If your PTA has gross receipts that are normally greater than $50,000, your PTA will need to file a Form 199.
  • Once you have filed the 199N or Form 199, go to Step 4.


STEP 4: Charitable Trusts with the Attorney General

Your PTA will need to file an RRF-1 with the Attorney General’s Office of Charitable Trust annually.

Once you have filed all taxes, this is the last step:

  • Complete the Registration Renewal form (RRF-1)
  • To assist in preparing your RRF-1 download the annotated RRF-1
  • Complete, print and mail RRF-1.

If gross annual receipts are normally $50,000 or less and your PTA filed a 990N, form CT-TR-1 is also required.

  • Complete the Treasurer’s Report form (CT-TR-1)
  • To assist in preparing your CT-TR-1, download the annotated CT-TR-1
  • Include lists of Other Assets, Other Liabilities, Other Revenue and Other Expenses (if applicable)
  • Complete, print and mail CT-TR-1 along with form RRF-1

NOTE: Don’t forget to include your fee and a copy of your PTAs Form 990EZ or 990. If you filed a 990N a copy of the confirmation is not required. Also, if you filed for an extension (Form 8868) with the IRS, you are also granted an extension for the RRF-1.



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