PTA Leadership Tips

PTA Leadership Tips

How is your support system holding up? One of the wonderful benefits of belonging to PTA is the superb support system it offers. In order for this system to work successfully, it must be utilized. Support is available all year long.

By means of National PTA through State PTA, to the districts and councils, information is disseminated to the unit level to share with all members of PTA. With a new year having just begun, it is a good time to once again re-evaluate our connection.



  • The unit president or designated member should attend all monthly council meetings and share valuable information with all PTA members and school administrators.
  • Make sure the members of your PTA are aware of the support and training your council has to offer.
  • Utilize the NationalState and district PTA websites as a resource. Some councils also have websites.
  • Utilize and share the California State PTA Toolkit.


  • The council president or designee should attend all monthly council president roundtable meetings at Fourth District PTA.
  • All PTA members are invited to attend the Fourth District PTA general meetings held three times per year.
  • Utilize the district mentor support system.
  • Utilize the district officers and committee chairpersons for training and support.
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