PTA and Elections


PTA and Elections!


One of the purposes of PTA is to secure adequate laws for children and youth. This means law making at all levels, including ballot measures. It is PTA’s responsibility to disseminate as much factual, objective information as possible during election campaigns to help the community make informed choices.
A few key things to remember:

  • PTA is nonpartisan and never endorses or opposes any candidate for public office.
  • PTA does, however, take positions on issues that affect children and youth.
  • A position adopted by the California State PTA on a statewide measure is the official

PTA position for all PTA districts, councils, and units. Therefore, any local unit, council or district PTA may participate in the campaign in support of the PTA position without a vote or other formal action by their local PTA board or association.


PTA & Elections PowerPoint  Presentation. It covers such topics as:

  • Voter Registration
  • Candidate Forums
  • Candidate Questionnaires
  • Ballot Measures

There are also a vast array of resources available to you and we encourage you to refer to them as needed:



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