Nominations and Elections

The purpose of the nominating committee is to recognize and seek qualified nominees for the elected leadership of the PTA. The members of the committee, therefore, have a tremendous influence on the future of the PTA and should be selected carefully.

Nominating Committee Basics

The nominating committee is the only PTA committee that is not appointed by the president. This committee is elected by the membership at least two months prior to the election of officers. Determining when to elect the committee and how many people to elect is outlined in your unit bylaws. Don’t forget to elect alternates, in the event an elected committee member cannot attend a committee meeting. Most units should be electing the nominating committee no later than January or February for the election of officers in March or early April. The committee needs a balance of newer and more experienced PTA members, all of whom should be knowledgeable about PTA and who are:

  • Aware of qualified potential nominees
  • Familiar with the eligibility requirements and the qualifications necessary for the offices to be filled
  • Willing and able to devote adequate time to the responsibilities involved and maintain confidentiality.

Don’t overlook student and teacher members. The election of the nominating committee should not be a popularity contest based on willingness to serve nor should it consist of the PTA executive board. The PTA president never serves on the committee, and the parliamentarian serves only when elected to serve. The principal may be elected, but should at least be an advisor to the group. No person may serve on the committee for two consecutive years. Be sure to elect your nominating committee wisely!



Additional Sample Documents:

Qualities of Nominating Committee Members

Nominating committee members should be:

  • Elected on merit and ability.
  • Willing to devote adequate time to the responsibilities involved.
  • Knowledgeable regarding the eligibility requirements and the qualifications necessary for the offices to be filled as well as the responsibility of each office.
  • Aware of the qualifications and abilities of potential nominees.
  • Able to give objective consideration to nominees.
  • Able to use sound judgment and skill in evaluating nominees.
  • Tactful, discreet with integrity.
  • Able to keep all deliberations confidential.

Do’s & Dont’s

DO: Study carefully the qualifications of members before presenting the name as a nominee.

DON’T: Submit a member’s name as a nominee because they are a friend of yours.

DO: Check the membership list to be sure nominee is a member of the organization.

DON’T: Nominate a person with the thought that it is a good way to get them to join the PTA.

DO: Remember that committee DISCUSSION is left in the meeting room.

DON’T: Repeat what was said in the committee meeting to anyone.

DO: See that the report of the nominating committee is publicized through the proper channels.

DON’T: Report the results of the nominating committee until it has been publicized through the proper channels.

DO: Accept an office yourself if you are sincerely interested in the purpose of the organization.

DON’T: Accept the office if you are only interested in having your name in the yearbook.

PTA Elections

PTA elections are held at the annual meeting no later than the second week of April. The board-elect then has time to plan for the next term, to attend the annual convention and local training workshops, to prepare programs and budgets and to identify committee chair before assuming office. Review Article V of your  bylaws to determine the month your elections are held. Provide notice of the:

  • Election meeting to members in writing at least 30 days prior to the meeting
  • Proposed slate to members in writing at least 28 days prior to the meeting.

Members are eligible to vote if they’ve been members for 30 days. The secretary uses latest membership list to confirm members’ credentials. When a membership list is not available, all attendees at the election meeting are eligible to vote. It is essential to follow the bylaws requirements for nominee and officer qualifications, election and slate notice requirements, nominations from the floor, election and parliamentary procedures.

The election procedure

The current president conducts the election at the annual meeting after the:

  • Parliamentarian reads the bylaws sections pertaining to elections and the
  • Nominating committee chair reads the slate.

The opportunity to nominate candidates from the floor must be provided to members. If the PTA is incorporated, nomination by petition is also required. The election is conducted by:

  • Voice vote, when there is but one candidate or the chair may say, “These named candidates are elected by affirmation.”
  • Ballot vote, when there are two or more candidates. The president appoints a teller committee to assist with the ballot election.

A majority vote elects. Candidates must receive fifty percent plus one vote to be elected. With few exceptions, a challenge to election procedures or outcome must occur at the election meeting. An election must be declared “null and void” whenever it is discovered the individual elected did not meet the qualifications for office as stated in the bylaws. For example, an individual who has already served two consecutive terms in the same position IS NOT QUALIFIED for election to an additional term in the same position. For assistance contact the district PTA, and refer to the California State PTA Toolkit.

Officer Transition

The smooth transition of outgoing and incoming board members and officers is of vital importance and can determine your PTA’s leadership success for years to come. The transition process is the responsibility of both incoming and outgoing officers and board members. It gives closure to those leaving their positions and allows those coming in to be properly prepared. A good process of transition provides an opportunity for outgoing members to evaluate their work and efforts while giving suggestions to new board members on what they wish they had done differently.