

Becoming a PTA member opens up leadership opportunities, and builds skills in communication and advocacy strategies. Members who are willing to get involved are a valuable resource for starting and maintaining programs and projects to benefit children, youth, and the community.

Enrolling members in the PTA is a year-long activity that is carried out by a membership committee. The primary reason for developing membership in the PTA is to build an informed team of individuals to work on behalf of all children and youth.

How Do I Become a Member

Any individual who subscribes to the purposes and basic policies of the PTA becomes a member upon payment of dues to a PTA or PTSA unit. Each member receives an official membership card from the unit. The membership card issued shows that the dues paid to the unit include membership in the California State PTA and National PTA and expires October 31.

Each PTA is separate from any other PTA and gives special services to a specific group of children. Members having children in more than one school may pay dues to support the PTA or youth in each child’s school. (Article VII, Section 4 California State PTA Bylaws 8.1, 331)

All members of the Fourth District PTA belong to:

  • A unit;
  • A council (if applicable);
  • Fourth District PTA;
  • California State PTA; and
  • National PTA.

If your school is interested in forming a PTA, please contact the Fourth District PTA office at 714-241-0495. We will be happy to direct you to the PTA officers in your community who can help you.


Additional Information



Contact 4th District VP of Membership

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