Advocacy Communicator Archives

 Advocacy Communicator Archives


December 2016

In this edition, we introduce California’s new school accountability system (it’s replacing the API score). We also report election results, cover predictions for school funding next year, announce our January 18th Advocacy Forum, and continue to support voter registration for high school seniors.

November 2016

In this edition, we recap some of the points covered during Ron Bennett’s amazing presentation to PTA members at the October 28th Advocacy Forum.  Also, we explain why PTA is so political, and highlight several CAPTA-supported bills that were recently passed into law.

October 2016

Parents should be actively involved in school policy and spending decisions, but often aren’t aware of these opportunities to guide major decisions for their own schools. Learn more in our advocacy speakers recap.  Also: Sacramento Safari registration is now open, and our next Advocacy Forum is October 28!

September 2016

Make a great start to your year in PTA advocacy!  Info on advocacy training workshops, program opportunities, and upcoming dates are all included.  Learn where PTA stands on upcoming ballot propositions and which resolutions were adopted by National PTA.

June 2016

In this issue, we cover Governor Brown’s May Revise of the proposed state budget; talk about how to set up a candidate forum if you have school board members up for election, list items that you’ll want to include in your PTA budget next year, and more!”

May 2016

In this issue, you’ll learn about the serious teacher shortage that’s hitting California schools and what might be done to address it; read highlights from April’s Advocacy Forum; and get the scoop on three recent court cases that impact education.

April 2016

In this issue, read about PTA-sponsored legislation designed to help parents support their children’s education and become actively involved in their schools.   Also, learn how two Orange County PTAs won CAPTA awards for their local advocacy – ideas you can use for your own PTA!

March 2016

In this issue, we offer a recap of our annual Fourth District PTA Sacramento Safari advocacy trip, announce the successful launch of our OC high school senior voter registration pilot, and discuss a report on how California’s schools remain underfunded despite state budget increases.

February 2016
In this issue, we see that the governor’s budget includes more money for education; examine court cases that deal with adequate school funding, teacher tenure issues and whether union dues might be optional; and learn how local school districts are meeting common challenges.

January 2016
This issue highlights federal funding increases for education and the new Every Student Succeeds Act; discusses teacher evaluation, tenure, and layoff issues; and features opportunities to participate in upcoming events that offer the latest news and valuable insights for PTA members interested in supporting our children, youth, and families.


 December 2015
School funding expectations and needs
Upcoming teacher shortages
Replacement for No Child Left Behind
Local advocacy events you won’t want to miss!

November 2015
New laws passed
Prospects for a school facilities bond
Importance of PTA support for voter registration of high school seniors

October 2015
What does a California State PTA Advocate do?
Voting Procedures in California
Register voters at PTA events

September 2015
Can-do Advocacy
Fourth District PTA Advocacy Workshop
High School Exit Exam waived
ESEA/NCLB reauthorization bills

June 2015
California’s education budget continues to grow
PTA Advocacy dates for 2015-16
Delegates approve three resolution at CAPTA convention

May 2015
US Senate passes ESEA/NCLB bill
LAO predicts higher tax returns
California PTA co-sponsored and supported bills

April 2015
Transition is a major theme for Sacramento Safari
Advocacy Roundtable
CAPTA takes positions on legislative bills

March 2015
ESEA/NCLB reauthorization bill
Full funding of IDEA
SB172 high school exit exam suspension
Tracking PTA-supported bills

February 2015
Good news/bad news in Gov. Brown’s proposed state budget
Showdown over state funding for school construction
Reauthorization of ESEA/NCLB may be accomplished this year
PTA joins national effort to invest in early learning progress

January 2015
Hot topics for education advocacy 2015
Gov. Brown points to school funding increase in state budget
School boards association set to fight cap on school district reserve funds
CAPTA Legislative Conference, Sacramento Safari, Advocacy Roundtable information


December 2014
New legislative session begins Common Core hearings Leg roundtable report

November 2014
State efforts to expand early education meet with limited success
OC Trustees hold hearings on Common Core
PTA-Supported bills signed into laws

October 2014
Future of California high school exit exams is in question
How to be an informed voter

September 2014
PTA and the General Elections Bills supported by California State PTA signed into law
State drops school construction bond; rainy day fun on the ballot

June 2014
CAPTA has concerns about Governor’s revised budget proposal
Early education bills advance in Sacramento and Washington D.C.
CAPTA supports school facilities bond, Governor Brown does not

MAY 2014
Legislative ills, court case and initiative tackle teacher dismissals
Districts may use LCFF revenue to repair and upgrade facilities
Legislators show renewed interest in early childhood education

APRIL 2014
Positive school climate leads to higher student achievement
Edsource Symposium Advocacy workshops at PTA Convention 2014

MARCH 2014
LCAP underway
Easy to be an advocacy chair
2014 Public Policy Agenda


LCFF and LCAP Proposed State Budget Sacramento Safari

State Board of Education looks at revised
LCFF regulations CAPTA offers LCFF resources
Pre-K for all a state budget priority
Development of state budget begins.


DECEMBER 2013 Local PTA advocacy State budget situation Proposed LCFF rules controversial; Talking Points for Legislative Chairs–December 2013

NOVEMBER 2013 State testing stopped as California shifts to Common Core standards Academic Performance Index likely to disappear then change Governor vetoes teacher dismissal bell;Talking Points for Legislative Chairs–November 2013

OCTOBER 2013 Be active in school districts with Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) “School Success Express” bus tour Fourth District PTA’s November 15 Advocacy Roundtable Legislation supported by CAPTA; Talking Points for Legislative Chairs–October 2013

SEPTEMBER 2013 Local Control Funding Formula Advocacy Roundtable Sacramento Safari 2014 Fourth District Advocacy Program; Talking Points for Legislative Chairs–September 2013

JUNE 2013 Governor Brown cautious with May Revise Fourth District PTA makes it easy Nine California school districts apply for NCLB waiver; Talking Points for the June 2013 Advocacy Communicator

MAY 2013 State PTA weighs in on school finance reform proposals Roundtable report CAPTA supports legislation that would simplify teacher dismissal;Talking Points for Legislative Chairs–May 2013

APRIL 2013 Proposed school funding formula Advocacy workshops at PTA Convention EdSource Conference;Talking Points for Legislative Chairs–April 2013

MARCH 2013 CAPTA Leg Conference PTA Supports Assault Weapons ban Governor and LAO issue reports on Local Control Funding Formula;Talking Points for Legislative Chairs – March 2013

February 2013 Governor Brown’s Proposed Budget Jacque Chevalier and the National PTA Advocacy Program;Talking Points for Legislative Chairs February 2013

January 2013 State budget process begins Sacramento Safari registration opens Federal education budget cuts delayed CAPTA Legislative Conference;Talking Points for Legislative Chairs January 2013


December 2012 Good news for public schools Education issues and the legislature Changes in Orange County Legislative Districts

November 2012 Governor signs PTA supported legislation Task force recommends teacher & principal preparation reforms

October 2012 Proposition 38 Voter registration; the November elections CAPTA positions on statewide propositions September 2012 Proposition 38 Advocacy training and programs Planning for Sacramento Safari  June 2012 Next phase of Our Children, Our Future Governor’s May revise budget Prepare for the new school year of advocacy May 2012 California prepares for Common Core standards CAPTA supports Proposition 29 Preliminary ruling on Proposition 98 lawsuit April 2012 Opportunities to increase your advocacy skills & knowledge EdSource Conference Sacramento Safari report March 2012 Signature gathering for Our Children, Our Future Comparing the proposed 2012 Tax Initiatives Didn’t the lottery solve education funding? February 2012 Governor’s Budget proposes dramatic school funding change Potential 2012 Tax Initiatives Reminder: Sacramento Safari, March 26-27, Scheduled Speakers January 2012 CAPTA Backs Initiative to Increase School Funding Who is Molly Munger? Reminder: It’s Time to Register for Sacramento Safari, March 26-27


December 2011 Time To Get Ready for Sacramento Safari Visits to Local Legislators Core Standards are Coming to California Schools Elementary Students are not learning enough Science November 2011 Mid Year Budget Cuts Lawsuit Is Filed Against State Budget Agreement Governor Brown signs Some Education Bills, Rejects Others October 2011 2012 Election Changes – Redistricting and Primary Format Advocacy Speakers Bureau September 2011 PTA and Politics Sacramento Safari Fourth District Advocacy Program June 2011 Keep it going this Summer – Summer Advocacy The May Revise – Education recoups $3B, Basic Aid Districts Losing Money May 2011 6 Steps for building Advocates Resolutions passed at the 2011 CA State PTA Annual Convention April 2011 Viva la Resolution! Preparing Resolutions for the PTA Convention, and their importance to the PTA March 2011 Putting Tax extensions on the Ballot February 2011 ACLU lawsuit regarding student fees January 2011 California education funding challenges Local advocacy makes the difference


December 2010 How a bill becomes law in California November 2010 School governance roles – federal, state, county, local October 2010 Questions to ask at a candidates’ forum September 2010 Help your community participate in the election process May 2010 Lawsuit challenges constitutionality of state’s education finance system April 2010 CAPTA launches new action plan to fight education crisis PTA stands on school staffing or contract issues March 2010 California education financing basics January 2010 Safari & Roundtable 17 year olds eligible to register


November/December 2009 Race to the Top Governance reform efforts October 2009 Race to the Top CAPTA – supported laws past Voter satisfaction poll results Reform efforts led by three groups September 2009 Special leg session on schools Accountability Progress Report shows student improvement Statewide survey results



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